The stories of people seeking asylum are supposed to end. But in Australia, people who arrive by boat are seldom able to finish their story. Right now there are 30,000 people living in Australia who are being denied their right to protection. 30,000 people whose stories you haven’t yet heard.
Temporary is an eight-part narrative podcast from the UNSW Centre for Ideas and Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law co-produced with Guardian Australia. In this series, we hear stories from those seeking asylum in this country. Those who are stuck in a new country with no support, separated from their families and the people they love. We learn about the system that is designed to keep these people in a state of permanent uncertainty. Listen to their voices, from a limbo of Australia’s own creation, and discover who they are and why the ends of their story can’t yet be told.

Presented by Sisonke Msimang with Ben Doherty.
Produced by Kara Jensen-Mackinnon and Miles Herbert
Sound design by Ryan Pemberton
Original music by Lama Zakharia
Artwork by Matt Huynh
Editorial support by Miles Martignoni